Frequently asked questions.
How can I contact you?
You can reach out to us by phone, email, or filling out the contact form on this website.
(479)458-3350 / https://www.northsidelaundryar.com/contact / admin@northsidelaundryar.com
How can I seek a refund?
We are sorry you encountered an issue during your visit. You can fill out a form on location or reach out to us at any of the contact methods listed above. Refunds can be done in cash or Venmo for your convenience.
What is included with the Wash and Fold service?
Our wash and fold service includes washing, drying, and folding your clothes. This includes any soap, dryer sheets, and bags that are needed throughout the process. We can hang up clothes by request if you leave hangers with us.
If you would like a special laundry soap used, you can bring it with your drop-off and we will accommodate any special requests.
Service can be completed same-day as long as clothes are dropped off by noon, but could be same-day depending on how many other orders we have that day.
I have a business, is there any type of commercial pricing?
We work with several local businesses to assist in their laundry needs at a price that works for them. If you are interest in working together, reach out through the website form or send us an email at admin@northsidelaundryar.com and see what we can do for you!
Do you provide any pressing or dry-cleaning services?
At this time we do not press or dry-clean clothes. This may change if demand is available for these services, or if you are a dry-cleaner looking to work with us,